Organic RDD
Bæredygtig anvendelse af protein fra grøn biomasse til fødevarer (InnoGrass)
High Quality Grass-fed Organic Beef for Sustainable Eating behavior - GrOBEat
Klimaoptimeret gødskning i økologisk planteproduktion (ClimOptic)
Nutrient recycling for soil fertility and improved organic livelihood (Fertihood)
Nye strategier for økologisk ægproduktion med reduceret fosfor (ORPHEUS)
Optimizing climate and production services of cover crops in organic arable rotations (CCRotate)
Winter feeding of Organic Sows (WI-FI)
Strip Cropping: Improving biodiversity and crop resilience in agriculture. (StripCrop)
Græs til grise på stald (ENTRANCE)
High Quality Grass-fed Organic Beef for Sustainable Eating behavior - GrOBEat
Klimaoptimeret gødskning i økologisk planteproduktion (ClimOptic)
Mother-bonded calf (Kalvvedko)
Nutrient recycling for soil fertility and improved organic livelihood (Fertihood)
Nye strategier for økologisk ægproduktion med reduceret fosfor (Orpheus)
Optimizing climate and production services of cover crops in organic arable rotations (CCRotate)
Outdoor sows in novel concepts to benefit the environment - OUTFIT
Pea Yield Stability, Taste and Quality (Peas&Love)
Positiv effekt af landbrug på agerlandets natur (Organic+)
ProLocAL: Protein from locally grown legumes and algae for organic chickens
Strip cropping: improving biodiveristy and crop resilience in organic farming (StripCrop)
Breeding dairy cows adapted for organic production (Ø-KO-AVL)
High Quality Grass-fed Organic Beef for Sustainable Eating behavior - GrOBEat
Nutrient recycling for soil fertility and improved organic livelihood (Fertihood)
Nye strategier for økologisk ægproduktion med reduceret fosfor (ORPHEUS).
Optimizing climate and production services of cover crops in organic arable rotations (CCRotate)
ORGANIC+: Demonstration og forbedring af positiv effekt af økologisk landbrug på agerlandets natur
Pea Yield Stability, Taste and Quality
ProLocAL: Protein from locally grown legumes and algae for organic chickens
Sustainability and resilience in organic potato production: SROPP
Tannin som naturlig metanhæmmer i kvægbrug (ECOCO2W)
Winter Feeding of Organic Sows
Outdoor sows in novel concepts to benefit the environment - OUTFIT