Linda Michelle Handrup
Communication Officer
Communication and press contact
+45 30 23 37 10 limh@icoel.dk
Iben Alber Christiansen
Senior Advisor
Beef production, animal welfare, grazing
+45 61 97 49 09 iben@icoel.dk
Julie Cherono Schmidt Henriksen
Team leader, Senior Researcher
Climate, LCA, livestock management
+45 29 39 46 48 jcsh@icoel.dk -
Jens Peter Hermansen
Senior Researcher
Conversion, education, succession
+45 61 97 49 10 jeph@icoel.dk -
Julie Marie Søby
Organic Advisor
Biodiversity, functional biodiversity
+ 45 23 27 25 61 juls@icoel.dk -
Majken Husted
Senior Advisor
Greenhouse gas emissions, carbon sequestration
+45 40 17 71 26 majh@icoel.dk -
Maria Alejandra Arias Escobar
Senior Advisor
International contact, toxicity
+45 29 33 62 72 mare@icoel.dk -
Nynne Louise Bach Steinicke
Organic Advisor
Biodiversity, vegetables production
+45 29 10 73 03 nlbs@icoel.dk
Casper Laursen
Team Leader, Senior Advisor
Recycling, organic fertilizers, plant production
+45 30 26 06 56 casl@icoel.dk -
Anton Rasmussen
Chief Advisor
Conservation agriculture, organic fertilizers, plant production
+45 61 97 49 03 anto@icoel.dk -
Dennis Weigelt Pedersen
Senior Advisor
Catch crops, mechanical weed control
+45 41 90 20 12 dewp@icoel.dk -
Jon Aagaard Enni
Organic Advisor
Plant production, regenerative agriculture
+45 20 27 08 37 jone@icoel.dk -
Malene Hangstrup Kræfting
Organic Advisor
Conversion to ecology, plant production
+45 30 62 58 52 malk@icoel.dk -
Tove Mariegaard Pedersen
Senior Advisor
Soil fertility, cereals, OrganicXseeds
+45 40 25 63 33 tove@icoel.dk
Jette Riis
Head of Project Administration
Project support, project budgets, project applications
+45 21 71 77 21 jrii@icoel.dk -
Janni Tilia Granger
Coordinator, Project and Communication dept.
Currently on maternity leave
+45 29 12 44 58 jabp@icoel.dk