BIOACT - Bioactive antiparasitic plant compounds for in-feed administration to organic egg laying hens


The project aims to characterize and test 5 different plant extracts for the treatment of parasites in organic poultry. The plant extracts offer the possibility for an alternative, sustainable, non-medicinal treatment approach for worm infections. Furthermore, the goal is to market the extracts as a feed additive that will increase both the production and general health and welfare of the animals. Our strategy is, as a first step, to target organic egg layers. Due to new EU regulations, there is an urgent need for novel treatment strategies in organic egg-laying hens suffering from parasite infections. The plant extracts contain either enzymes (proteases) that degrade the parasite cuticula and their eggs, or other substances that paralyze or in other ways inhibit the parasites and lead to their expulsion. The effect of some of the compounds has been demonstrated in vitro and in vivo and showed that it kills not only the most common intestinal worm Ascaridia galli but also other important worms like Heterakis gallinarum and Capillaria spp; other compounds have not been tested in infected hens yet but showed promising results in the lab.

Forventede resultater

De forventede resultater fra projektet bliver offentliggjort på denne internetside: 4. kvartal 2023. Projektets resultater stilles gratis til rådighed.



Forskningsprojekt skal udvikle innovative planteprodukter som behandling mod parasitter i økologiske høns. Artikel på icrofs med information om projektet.

Research project will develop innovative plant products as treatment for parasites in organic hens. En engelsk artikel på, der fortæller om det nye projekt.

Forsøg med plantebehandling af parasitter kan give ægproducenter økonomisk gevinst. Artikel i Økologisk Landbrug om gevinsterne og potentialet af planteprodukter mod indvoldsorm.

Information om BIOACT i Fjerkræbladet. Nyhed om bevilling til BIOACT i Fjerkræbladet.